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Rohini Srihari

Peloria Chief Data Scientistand Co-Founder

is a professor in the Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering at the State University of New York where her research in artificial intelligence focuses on natural language processing, artificial intelligence and machine learning. Her research has been funded by organizations including DARPA, IARPA and the National Science Foundation. She has worked extensively with the US Government in developing innovative multilingual text mining solutions. She has founded and directed technology start-ups, focusing on “big data” analytics solutions for various markets. She recently served as Chief Data Scientist at PeaceTech Lab, a non-profit incubated within the United States Institute of Peace in Washington, DC. She directed a multidisciplinary team in the development of a software platform that leverages diverse data sources to provide scalable solutions for conflict prevention and early warning of social disruption in fragile countries. Her research is currently focused on AI for Social Impact and includes topics such as predicting social unrest, fake news detection, and conversational AI.

She has published over 100 research papers in computer science journals and conference proceedings and given numerous invited talks. She is also the author of two US patents, one on multilingual text mining.

Dr. Srihari received her B. Math degree from the University of Waterloo (Canada) and her PhD in Computer Science from the State University of New York.

Her full list of publications is available here →